Thursday 21 November 2013

What Is Network Marketing?

The simplest explanation of network marketing is that it is a method of marketing that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that a company otherwise would not reach with traditional online or offline marketing methods.

In order to accomplish this, network marketing companies and their associates recruit individuals I.E. “their sales force,” just like other companies and franchises, have done for years, take for example the insurance industry.

How often have you seen ads on television that use the term, “Independent Insurance Agent or Associate?”

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Make $1000′s Per Day with Penny Stocks?

How many times have you wished you could have invested in some of today’s biggest stocks back when they were available for pennies on the dollar?
The majority of Americans today find it almost impossible to invest in stock in their favorite companies because they simply cost too much money. For example, Google currently trades at $780 per share and Apple is at $422 per share.
This has left small and first-time investors looking for fresh new investments that have the potential to reap huge rewards very quickly. And that’s exactly where penny stocks come in – offering you the opportunity to get in on the ground floor.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Best PayPal Alternatives In Pakistan

As we all know that PayPal is not offering its services to many countries of the world andPakistanis one of them. And the percentage of online money transactions which are done by PayPal, is 75%. So people want services of those who can facilitate them to receive, send and transfer money online. PayPal is not operating inPakistanand is silent, not only inPakistanbutBangladeshis also included in this list. Pakistan is a major country where percentage of those people who access internet is growing rapidly. Many countries of the world require alternate service of PayPal because it is e-commerce business globally that allows your payments and transfers of money through internet.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Top 10 Ways to Avoid Online Scams

Internet is one of the biggest sources of information and opportunities. Beside these benefits there are so many pitfalls which allow scammers to do their job. I read hundred of stories online where people lose their life savings by joining the scam websites.
Smart Income Guide was created to counter these scammers by teaching people about how to avoid these scams. We guide people towards the right direction by teaching them the legitimate ways to start their career without fear.
Today I am giving you some common features of scam websites. This guide gives you the ability to differentiate between a legitimate and a scam website.